martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Interest in General

Hello, My name is Daniela, I am young, I am student of Food processing, I like to go to the movies, I like being with my family and I like all the animals. I like to find information on the internet, I like very much like to come out to dance.

I don't like the abuse of animals I don't like the discrimination and racism I don't like Basketball, tennis Football and volleyball. My favorite food is the fish broth, My favorite colors is the purple, My favorite film is special command 2.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

My Presentation


My name is Daniela Avendaño Cortes, I am from Bogota- Colombia, I am nineteen years old, I am studen food processing in the Sena, I am work the weekends, I have boyfriend.
I like to go out to dance, I like to go to cinema, I like to eat ice cream, I like to listen music, I like to be with my family, I like to play video games.
I don't like play soccer, I don't like to sing.

My Daily Routine

I wake up at 5:30 am o'clock.

Go to the bathroom and take a shower 

Next put my clothes.

Take my breakfast.

Arrive to my house, take lunch go to my homework's
At 8:00pm eat my dinner.
clean my tooth’s and go to sleep.

Go to Sena college at 7:00 am and study at 1:30 pm